BASA membership opens up a network and information base relating to Big Bores and their use in the Game fields of Africa that is unparalleled.
Exclusive Hunting Network
BASA members include a number of Professional Hunters, Outfitters and land owners, which opens up an extensive network of hunting opportunities to our members.
In addition, our affiliations with other organisations such as the Confederation of Hunting Associations of SA (CHASA) and its broad base of hunting associations extend this network even further, providing an invaluable source of information and contacts.
Extensive Information Base
As a group, the Big Bore Association stimulates interest in the research, collection, application and dissemination of historical, technical and practical big bore rifle and ammunition information, providing an international forum for the unbiased airing of all viewpoints regarding big bore issues and hunting.
This information is published in our quarterly publication, as well as in the members section of this website, and is devoted exclusively to Big Bores.
From big game hunting and wildlife conservation to reloading, equipment tests, book reviews, and member’s news by leading authors that include well known Professional Hunters, Safari Veterans, Ecologists, highly experienced Big Game Hunters, Wildlife Veterinarians, Custom Gunsmiths, acknowledged Reloading experts and Big Bore specialists, the Big Bore Association gives you everything you need to know to enjoy your Big Bore to the full.