About Us

The Big Bore Association of South Africa (BASA) is a voluntary organization of Hunters, Sports Shooters and Collectors. The three pillars of BASA captures its ethos:

At BASA, we use enough GUN

  1. We enjoy shoots where our skills with our big bore rifles are tested and challenged by ranges with various degrees of difficulties and changing set-ups.
  2. This is an Association where we all feel welcome – a sense of camaraderie that bounds us together.
  3. It is a place where we all have the opportunity to learn something related to our big bores, albeit on a casual but informative basis.
  • BASA is supportive of the principle of balanced wildlife management through appropriate combinations of sustainable use, protection and conservation of biodiversity. BASA endeavours to educate its members and the general public in the objectives of balanced, scientifically sound wildlife management and the protection of the right to engage in sustainable hunting, as well as the legal and responsible carrying and possession of firearms.
  • BASA aim to improve firearm proficiency and safety through appropriate levels of activities, which mainly include Action shoots to provide practical experience, and training of range officers.
  • BASA seeks to protect the culture and traditions of big game hunting and hunters as well as their firearm, cartridge, hunting and sport shooting heritage through education, research, practical experience and the publication of information.
  • BASA is an affiliate of CHASA.

Big Bore Association of Southern Africa is affiliated with Chasa

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